的 Exceptional Achievement Service Award
的 Exceptional Achievement Service Award recognizes individuals who have provided exceptional service to the electrical apparatus sales and service industry. 的 award is presented at the annual Association convention.
Individuals nominated must have rendered exceptional service to the electrical apparatus industry on a local, national or international basis. 的y need not be employed by a member firm.
Any member may nominate an individual to receive the award and may submit more than one nomination in any given year. Companies are not eligible. Nominations must include specific reasons for the nomination and be accompanied by at least three corroborating letters of recommendation. Nominations may be made to present the award posthumously. All nominations are automatically reentered into the pool of nominations for a period of five years after the nomination is received.
的 final selection of the award recipient will be at the sole discretion of the International Nominating Committee. Members of the International Nominating Committee are not eligible to submit nominations, 第二次提名, nor to be nominated for the years during which they serve on that committee.
- 的 design of the Exceptional Achievement Service Award was changed in 2007 and again in 2017.
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and cancellation of the annual convention, no award was presented in 2020.
Past recipients of 的 网赌平台奖
丹尼斯·富兰克林 |
卡罗 & 大卫·格里芬 |
克雷格·道格·摩尔 |
史蒂夫Skenzick |
乔治Flolo |
安德森艺术 |
安东尼Sieracki |
查尔斯M. 埃文斯 |
罗伯特睡魔 |
Michael G. 便士 |
弗兰克·伦纳德 |
E. 史蒂夫·达比 |
碧玉费舍尔 |
大卫·沃尔特斯,大英帝国勋章 |
罗伊·帕特森 |
奥斯汀H. Bonnett |
J. 爱德华·詹金斯先生. |
罗兰年代. 小Boreham. |
弗雷德年代. 史蒂芬斯 |
丹佛J. 魏盖尔 |
弗兰克Silveria |
沃尔特·L. 卡宾 |
詹姆斯J. 安德森 |
保罗米. 波特,小. |
理查德Nailen |
山姆·海勒 |